I joined TDX Group a year ago and during that period have been leading the charge to get a serious amount of International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) certifications under our belt. We’ve invested a considerable amount of time and effort into our ISO programme in order to achieve a number of new certifications for the business. We’ve made some incredible progress so far and have already managed to achieve three of the most substantial awards.
What is an ISO certification?
ISO is an independent, non-governmental membership organisation. In its 70 years of existence, ISO has developed thousands of internationally recognised standards in wide ranging business practices. Recognised in 162 different countries, ISO is the world’s largest developer of voluntary international standards.
But, what are the benefits of ISO to us, our clients and our partners?
International standards make things work better. They give world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. More specifically to us here at TDX Group, these standards are really important to both our business and to our clients. They give our clients, partners and stakeholders confidence that we’re operating in a specific way, to a high standard, that is aligned to a global benchmark.
So, what have we achieved so far and what do these certifications stand for?
ISO9001 Quality Management
This is a systematic approach which defines how you can measure and manage the quality of the work you produce, and over time, realise the benefits of continual improvement. Originally born out of the manufacturing industry, this is globally the most widely used ISO standard. Our entire Recoveries Management business is certified to ISO9001 standard.
ISO22301 Business Continuity
This is a systematic approach which helps you understand and prioritise the threats to our business, and as a consequence, build plans, test effectiveness and overtime, improve the resilience of our business. The TDX Group business is certified to ISO22301 standard.
ISO27001 Information Security Management
This is a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information so that it remains secure. It includes people, processes and IT systems by applying a risk management process. The TDX Group business has been certified to ISO27001:2013 standard since 2011.
There will be more…
As a trusted intermediary at the centre of the debt industry, maintaining high standards forms part of the fabric of who we are. We’re extremely proud of the certifications we’ve been able to achieve so far, and remain fully focused on attaining more ISO accreditations in the near future. So watch this space!
Natalie Tate is Head of Operational Transformation Excellence at TDX Group.