I have been reviewing data captured by TIX, our insolvency management platform which has visibility of over 90% of all personal insolvencies; it reveals that in the first quarter 2010 only 9.2% of IVA proposals were from consumers with more than 50% of their income coming from benefits and pensions. By 2014 this had more than doubled to 23.6%.*
However, in the current climate, local authorities are also having to make their own ‘tough-decisions’ as they try to deal with on-going budget cuts. With the percentage of debt owed to government on the increase, the sooner Authorities address the challenge, the better.
Council tax
average in-year council tax collection rates in England are at an impressive
97.4%, the value of the unpaid 2.6% is, however, over £600million per year. The
process for recovering this debt has traditionally been an almost exclusive
reliance on third party Enforcement Agents (bailiffs). The effectiveness and
fairness of the bailiff approach is the subject of much debate and it remains
to be seen whether the recently introduced regulatory changes go anyway to
address concerns. What is clear is that many of the innovative collection
strategies widely adopted across the private sector are not utilised. When we
benchmarked council tax collection performance, against that of the private
sector, we found that 16 of the top 100 local authorities in England were
potentially underperforming in terms of council tax collections when compared
to the private sector ranking for their area. Within that 16, five of the top
10 largest local authorities by population had relatively poor actual in-year
collections performance relative to their private-sector collections ranking.**
Service lines at a
what about those areas where the use of Enforcement Agents isn’t available? Our
experience is that areas such as sundry debt, adult social care, and overpaid
benefits are often reliant on internal legal service teams who do not have the
resource to pursue all cases. As a result, in many areas, those owing money
have learned to prioritise other debts over those owed to the council. Letters
are often left unopened and council collectors have little re-course with those
who are deliberately avoiding payment. In an environment where creditors are
becoming increasingly sophisticated in the ways they compete for every pound,
this leaves local authorities at a distinct disadvantage.
Three tips
work our consultants have done with local authorities who are seeking to
improve collection performance in order to meet growing budgetary pressures has
found there are immediate and straight-forward improvements which can be made.
Our top three tips are:
1. Agencies can unlock value - If your existing collections
processes aren’t yielding results, don’t let the debt become old and unworked –
think about engaging a debt collection agency, or a panel of agencies. You will
have to spend some money, but there will be a net benefit.
2. Bureaux reporting is a proven deterrent - Consider providing credit
reference agencies with data about your service users who owe you money. We
have found that this alone deters those who can pay but are making an active
decision to deprioritise your debt.
3. A full view
of the service user and what they owe will transform your approach
- Individuals are often in debt
to multiple service lines – a review we conduced of one council’s arrears
revealed that 30% of its service users had debts across multiple revenue lines.
By working together you can share knowledge and benefit from streamlined
approaches. You can also make the experience of dealing with your council more
positive in that service users can talk to one person or department
about all of their debt.
Paul Fielder, Strategic Account Director, TDX Group
TIX Q1 2014
** Analysis
conducted by TDX Group in August 2013
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